Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Why Supplement with Minerals?

Vemma's Essential Minerals® provides what the modern, convenience-driven diet may be lacking: over 65 major, trace and ultra-trace minerals in an ionic liquid form. The minerals are extracted from nutrient-dense plant vegetation that has been undisturbed for thousands of years. Then they are broken down into a bioavailable (body-ready) ionic state. This means the minerals are reduced to the smallest component that minerals can exist in and still retain their physical properties and are suspended into a completely dissolved liquid form. The result is a 100% ionic liquid mineral product that is easy for the body to use. This is important because as we age, the ability of the body to handle minerals declines, so body-ready minerals can be very helpful. Plus with natural kiwi and strawberry flavors in Vemma , this beneficial formula is delicious tasting! VEMMA (Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Mangosteen & Aloe)

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Why Plant Source Minerals?

Because plant source minerals are from Mother Nature herself! Here's how it works: plants assimilate minerals from the soil they are embedded in and in the process, an amazing conversion that science has not been able to duplicate takes place preparing some of them for human consumption. Nature really intended for humans to get minerals from plant foods - lots of minerals. As a matter of fact, minerals can be found in nearly all foods that are grown in soil. Carrots, grapes, broccoli...you name it. The problem in this day and age is that food processing, chemical fertilizers and overused crop lands make it impossible to get a wide spectrum of minerals from our diets. We just aren't getting what nature intended. Nothing is more beneficial than a full range of plant source minerals sourced from deposits that are thousands of years old - it's like harnessing the power of nature! VEMMA (Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Mangosteen & Aloe)

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Why Minerals?

Minerals are amazing! They're amazing because even in infinitesimal amounts these nutrients can produce unexplainable, beneficial changes in body chemistry. Minerals are nutrients required by the body to help facilitate a multitude of biochemical and physiologic processes necessary for the maintenance of life. Some of these processes include supporting the health of organs, bones, tissue and the immune system. Minerals are not synthesized in our bodies; therefore we must acquire them from outside sources. VEMMA (Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Mangosteen & Aloe)

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Vemma and Verve!

Vemma (http://www.drinksupplements.com/) is a liquid supplement that tastes great. It has 43 antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties which help with inflammation and as we all know that cellular inflammation is the beginning of all degenerative diseases. It also has 12 essential vitamins, 65 major, trace and ultra-trace minerals in an ionic liquid form. The minerals are extracted from nutrient-dense plant vegetation that has been undisturbed for thousands of years. Then they are broken down into a bioavailable (body-ready) ionic state. This means the minerals are reduced to the smallest component that minerals can exist in and still retain their physical properties and are suspended into a completely dissolved liquid form. The result is a 100% ionic liquid mineral product that is easy for the body to use. This is important because as we age, the ability of the body to handle minerals declines, so body-ready minerals can be very helpful.
Combine the antioxidant-rich power of Mangosteen with Vitamins, plant-sourced Minerals, Organic Aloe Vera and Organic Decaffeinated Green Tea and you've created the ultimate nutritional foundation “Vemma” (Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Mangosteen & Aloe)

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Drink Supplements!

Vemma (Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Mangosteen & Aloe) blends the most recent science and nature's finest to form a complete and delicious once-a-day liquid supplement that provides you with everything you need and more to kick your health and energy levels into overdrive.........read more product info at DrinkSupplements.com
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